IconLogicGates for Spigot

Command list

An alias for the /logicgates command is /lg.

  1. /logicgates debug

    • Description: Toggles debug mode for the plugin. This is useful for developers or administrators to troubleshoot issues.
    • Permission: logicgates.admin
    • Usage: Only players with admin permissions can use this command. When activated, it provides detailed logs when gate output was changed.
  2. /logicgates menu

    • Description: Opens a graphical user interface (GUI) that allows players to select logic gates.
    • Permission: logicgates.give
    • Usage: Players can use this command to access a menu where they can choose from various logic gates configured in the plugin. The GUI displays all available gates, and players can select one to use.
  3. /logicgates update

    • Description: Checks for updates to the plugin. If an update is available, it notifies the user.
    • Permission: logicgates.admin
    • Usage: This command is intended for administrators to ensure the plugin is up-to-date with the latest version.
  4. /logicgates inspect

    • Description: Activates inspection mode, allowing players to inspect logic gates in the world.
    • Permission: logicgates.inspect
    • Usage: Players can use this command to enter a mode where they can examine logic gates, view their properties, and troubleshoot issues.
  5. /logicgates rotate

    • Description: Gives the player a "Rotation Wand" that can be used to rotate logic gates in the world.
    • Permission: logicgates.rotate
    • Usage: Players receive a special wand (a stick with a unique identifier) that allows them to right-click on logic gates to change their orientation.
  6. /logicgates toggleinput

    • Description: Change number of inputs of selected logic gate.
    • Permission: logicgates.toggleinput
    • Usage: Players can use this command to enter a mode where they can toggle the inputs number of logic gates.
  7. /logicgates howto

    • Description: Provides instructions and a link to the plugin's documentation for creating and using logic gates.
    • Permission: None (available to all players)
    • Usage: This command sends a clickable message with a link to the plugin's documentation, helping players learn how to use the plugin effectively.
  8. /logicgates help

    • Description: Displays a list of available commands and their usage.
    • Permission: None (available to all players)
    • Usage: Players can use this command to get a summary of all commands and their purposes.
  9. /logicgates author

    • Description: Displays information about the plugin's author, including contact details.
    • Permission: None (available to all players)
    • Usage: This command provides credits to the plugin's creator and may include links to contact the author for support or feedback.
  10. /logicgates save

    • Description: Saves the current state of all logic gates to the plugin's configuration.
    • Permission: logicgates.admin
    • Usage: Administrators can use this command to manually save the state of all gates, ensuring that changes are persisted.
  11. /logicgates redstonecompatibility [on/off]

    • Description: Toggles redstone compatibility for logic gates.
    • Permission: logicgates.admin
    • Usage: Administrators can enable or disable compatibility with redstone circuits.
  12. /logicgates fixparticles

    • Description: Fixes issues with particle effects in the plugin.
    • Permission: logicgates.admin
    • Usage: Administrators can use this command to reload or reset particle effects, resolving any visual glitches.
  13. /logicgates particles [on/off]

    • Description: Toggles particle effects for logic gates.
    • Permission: logicgates.admin
    • Usage: Administrators can enable or disable particle effects, which are used to visualize gate operations.
  14. /logicgates language [language_code]

    • Description: Changes the plugin's language to the specified language code.
    • Permission: logicgates.admin
    • Usage: Administrators can use this command to switch the plugin's language to one of the supported options.
  15. /logicgates timer [seconds]

    • Description: Sets a cooldown of TIMER gate.
    • Permission: logicgates.timer
    • Usage: Players can specify a cooldown time (in seconds) for TIMER gate.
  16. /logicgates reload

    • Description: Reloads the plugin's configuration file.
    • Permission: logicgates.admin
    • Usage: Administrators can use this command to reload the plugin's configuration without restarting the server.