IconLogicGates for Spigot

WorldEdit Integration

The plugin has implemented integration with the WorldEdit API. It enables automatic detection and registration of logic gates created using WorldEdit. The WorldEditIntegration class listens for the EditSessionEvent from WorldEdit, which is triggered during world modifications (e.g., by commands like //stack, //copy, //paste, //set).

The integration ensures that gates retain their properties (direction, current output state, whether the gate is a 3-input type, gate delay TIMER) during WorldEdit operations by:

  1. Temporarily converting the base block of the logic gate to a chest, which contains a writable book (Material.WRITABLE_BOOK) with the gate data during pre-processing.
  2. Restoring the original gate properties after the WorldEdit operation is completed.


  • If a logic gate is detected during editing, it replaces the base block (GLASS) with a chest.
  • A book (ItemStack with Material.WRITABLE_BOOK) is placed in this chest.
  • The necessary gate data (e.g., direction, output state, interval, threeInput) is serialized into the book's BookMeta as JSON.
  • A task is scheduled with Bukkit.getScheduler() after 1 tick to revert all operations of replacing GLASS with a CHEST. However, in WorldEdit's memory, we already have chests with books.


  • After the WorldEdit operation, the original logic gates are restored. This is first done by checking if a chest (on which a carpet representing the gate type is placed) contains a book with properties.
  • If the book is found, its BookMeta is read, the JSON is loaded, and the original properties are retrieved.
  • The base block of the gate is restored to its original GLASS form, and a new logic gate object is created with the original properties.

The plugin also supports WorldEdit schematics. If a schematic contains logic gates, after pasting the schematic, the gates will be correctly registered in the plugin!

WorldEdit Integration


In plugin versions lower than 1.2.1, the properties of logic gates are not reconstructed, and the direction of the logic gate is set to the direction of the player who performed the edit.

Known issues

In some forks of WorldEdit, the integration maybe will not work correctly. It was originally designed for the version of WorldEdit created by com.sk89q.worldedit. Nevertheless, as soft dependencies in plugin.yml, WorldEdit, AsyncWorldEdit, and FastAsyncWorldEdit have been added.

Why is integration important?

Players can quickly create complex gate structures using tools like //copy, //paste, //stack, instead of manually placing blocks. Gates are automatically registered during edits, without the need for a restart/reload.

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